When the idea of boat life was first proposed to Zoe she was surprisingly enthusiastic. She rapidly agreed to move and travel anywhere, as long as she could keep attending the same school. Maple Dene was a great fit for Zoe, a student interest driven K-6 school with three teachers. She loved the kids, the teachers, the challenge, and the flexibility. Somehow, I just couldn’t make that happen.

As much as it would make things simpler, I had no desire to drop Zoe into a boxed complete curriculum, even one that would level for her diverse skills. Part of what I love about having her out of formal school is the ability to let her find and follow her own interests. Zoe is a unique kid with some odd areas of interest. One month she is reading her way through the complete collection of Calvin and Hobbes, another month she’s writing tabletop gaming adventures, the next is all about Legos. I love that boat schooling allows her to dive deeply into a few topics rather than just skimming the surface of a variety. She learns in gulps, devouring one topic before moving on to something else.

The nitty gritty. Right now, Zoe is working through Singapore Math grade three which I’m guessing she will finish before Christmas. She’s especially enamored with the logic puzzle book which supplements the workbook. She completes cursive writing practice each school day as well as a daily writing on a variety of topics.

Social studies is being covered through the Junior Ranger programs at the state parks. So far she’s completed the programs for the Freedom Trail, George's Island, and Spectacle Island. There’s a heavy focus on map skills as we all learn our way around new areas.

Science is more haphazard but includes trips to the science museum and aquarium, long discussions of techniques to make things explode, and a focus on engineering.

We are slowly adding in activities with some of the local homeschooling groups, park days and field trips primarily, to meet other families in the area. I have a feeling her schooling will never be easy to summarize or categorize, but it’s a good fit for our family and that’s what matters.